
About the Karawane Munich

The Karawane for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants is an open, anti-racist, political group in which people, regardless of their origin and residence status, fight together for equal rights and a decent life for all. We want all people to be able to live where they want and live a free, self-determined life with equal political and social rights. Our actions are aimed at combating the ongoing deprivation of rights of refugees in the EU, Germany and especially in Bavaria by the European border regime, the violent exclusion of people by deportations and racist discrimination of refugees by laws and tightening up asylum laws.

With the agitation of right-wing populist parties such as the CSU and AfD, a new form of isolation and exclusion of refugees is being pursued especially in Bavaria. Here in Bavaria, in their perfidiousness unique deportation camps are being created, asylum rights are being violated and refugees deported at all costs. The Caravan Munich wants to oppose political and social racism, which extends from the right to the center of society and is deeply anchored in the institutions. We stand in solidarity with all those who are discriminated against. We demand a right of movement and residence for all and we want a society free from authorities and oppression of others.

In concrete terms, this means that we organize protests and publicity campaigns, network with other political groups both in the city and nationwide and thus carry out smaller and larger anti-racist campaigns. We travel to camps to network and exchange ideas in order to hold joint political protests. This way, we practically defend ourselves against inhuman treatment, for example when we demonstrate together or try to prevent deportations.

Contact and meetings

We meet every Thursday at 8.30 pm. If you want to come by, please write us an email via kontakt@karawane-muenchen.org so we can tell you the place. We can organize translation in German, English, Frensh and Italian.

Come to the meeting and fight together with us against exclusion, deprivation of rights and deportation – for equal rights and social participation for all people!





Review: previous actions, campaigns and experiences

If you are interested in what we have experienced in the last 10 years, you can read our anniversary brochure on 20 years of Karawane Munich (highly compressed version for web view and in german). There you will find summaries of the years 2008 to 2017 as well as many interesting articles about our fights.