Proteste von Flüchtlingen in Nördlingen

Im bayerisch-schwäbischen Nördlingen protestieren seit einigen Wochen Flüchtlinge gegen ihre miserable Lebenssituation. Sie kämpfen mit einem Essenspaketeboykott und anderen Mitteln für die Umsetzung ihrer Forderungen. Hier die Erklärung der Protestierenden zu ihrem Kampf und ihren Forderungen:

Protest within the last month in the refugee camp in Nördlingen.

“We the refugees in Nördlingen hold meetings together every week to discuss our problems in lager and agree to start a protest in order to tell the world our problem as refugees.
We start by boycotting food packages and stop the van telling them we don´t want this food anymore. We had a demonstration and went to the mayor of Nördlingen. He said he is not responsible.

But we want to work and to go to school and we want our right!

First declaration of striking asylum seekers in Nördlingen….

We are addressing you from Nördlingen we have start the protest to declare our unity with the Asylum seekers all over Germany.

We are protesting in the streets to gain our
rights and to defend the right of an honourable life.

We are the voice of those eliminated and neglected people who now want to remind their existence to all people.

Our protest is the strength of resistance and struggle.
It is only in the streets where we can reach our rights, therefore we leave the Lager.


1 Receiving Residence Permit In Germany

One who is not entitled to residence permit in Germany lives an unclear life in the Asylum camp and faces many limitations and inhuman conditions. All of her his life is postponed to an ambiguous future.
We the Asylum seekers of Nördlingen striking demand
an urgent procedure of our cases.
We also demand to be entitled to the residence permit in Germany.

2 German Citizenship For Children Who Were Born In The Camps

The children who are born during their parents Asylum seeking procedure facing ambiguous situation from the very beginning.

Although they are considered to be born in Germany, but even for receiving an Asylum passport, they need a separate procedure than their parents.
During this time, which is one of the most critical periods of ones life, they have no access to sufficient facilities.
We demand German passports to be issued for children who are born in the camps during their parents Asylum seeking process.

3 Abolition Of The Deportation Laws

We believe that in a free world everyone should be able to decide where they want to live. Asylum seekers deportation is directly related with the economical and political situation of the country, which results to an absolutely inhuman treatment.

4 Abolition Of The 40 Kilometre Limit Of Travelling

Meanwhile Germany is a part of the Schengener agreement that abolishes boarders between European countries Asylum seekers are not allowed to move beyond a 40 kilometres limit.
We consider this systematically isolation of the asylum seeker as unacceptable and inhuman treatment.

5 Abolition Of The Laws Forcing Asylum Seeker To Live In Asylum Camps

Asylum camps isolate the Asylum seekers from the public and sometimes even the urban spheres.
The guarded camps and the lack of facilities has turned them into a place
not for living but merely surviving.

We demand the abolition of Asylum camps where no
Asylum seeker has any access to private space.

6 The process Of Aslyum Seeking

We demand the procedure to be as fast as possible,we believe that the current waiting time is an indicator of white and psychological torture.
We demand a time limit regarding the procedure and result of Asylum case.

7 Food Package

We believe any human being is entitled to choose the quantity and the quality of ones daily meals. Limiting them to a certain food diet is an obvious violation of basic right of people.
We certainly demand the limited food packages to be replaced with the right to choose the diet by the Asylum seeker her- or himself.

8 Work Permit

Many of the mass medias have created the illusion that Asylum seekers are merely consumers.
We believe that it is the current limiting regulations which lead to such
Therefore we demand unconditional work permit for Asylum seekers because
we believe any person is able to work to make living and it is ones right to do so.

9 German Language

As a result of systematic isolation of Asylum seekers, they are denied the right to learn German language.
We believe that voluntary access to learn German, is ones
obvious right.
We demand equal rights to learn German in credible institution to be
legally issued.

10 Right To Choose The Location Of Settlement

In Germany it is not possible for an Asylum seekers to choose ones location of residence even if ones close family members are living in a certain place,the Asylum seekers can not stay in the same place.
We demand the right to choose the location of residence for all Asylum seekers in Germany.

Hereby we the refugees in Nördlingen invite all Asylum seekers of camps in all over Germany, to join this collective struggle, to affect our life and future.
„Nordlingen “ Foerderverein Karawane
Bank: Gls  Bank
Konto Nr.: 40 30 780 800
Blz : 430 609 67
Betreff: Nördlingen