Schlagwort-Archive: howto

Building an anti-deportation campaign

How to build an anti-deportation campaignMal eine Meldung auf Englisch, es bezieht sich nämlich auch auf einen englischen Text. In wie weit der in Deutschland passt, ist noch nicht klar, aber eine Auseinandersetzung mit der schönen Broschüre ist auf jeden Fall eine gute Idee. Ich kopiere einfach mal

The No One is Illegal campaign, based in Bolton, has created a 24-page, simply-written briefing document aimed at those who may face deportation or removal. It explains why using the law is not protection enough – ‚a campaign means fighting back politically‘.

It enunciates what kinds of campaigns are useful, how important it is to involve a Member of Parliament, why a campaign has to be strong and powerful. But it also reflects on the personal implications. ‚It is your decision whether or not to have a campaign‘, states the document and it warns that a campaign will implicate friends and family members. There are many practical tips here – from creating a banner for all public events to attracting trade union support. And, finally, it explains how important it is to prepare the legal case and get professional reports to support a claim.

This document maybe aimed at those at risk of removal but it is also essential reading for anyone interested in supporting failed asylum seekers and fighting for a more just system.

Get it here.